Tuesday, September 3, 2013


  Every morning you have to think ......now today will be better than yesterday.....even though yesterday was good.  Yesterday was Labor Day and I went out to eat and to a movie with Karrie, Rich and Scott. Seems I wake up and it is either Monday or Friday, the in-between just seems to slide by with to-do lists.  Now this morning my week starts out with Mail my first of the month bills, buy stamps.  Go to the bank and then Smiths to pick up a prescription.  Drop off my HOAC dues and leave Annette a note to have Jose look at my sprinklers.  Go to Walmart for a list of things.  Check on a new bank and call Nicole at Merrill Lynch.  Now if I woke up rich.......I would have my secretary to do all this for me....BUT ......what would I do all day? No, I guess I don 't want to wake up rich and turn into a vegetable, it is good to stay busy and on a budget? 
Pam called and they are staying at the cabin till Thursday.  Sherrie called and they had a fun surprise party for Bud at Lake Powell, but everyone got throw-ups and diarrhea and fought for the limited bathrooms on the house boat.  Karrie called and had a list of to-dos like me. She had been for a physical and discovered she has high blood pressure.  I discovered mine about her age.   I have a very busy family.
"Real style is never right or wrong......It's a matter of being yourself on purpose."

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