Monday, September 23, 2013


The wedding chapel....Pam, Me, Sherrie, Julie, Don & Toni seated!
I do.........
I guess it takes a family to have a great wedding......Well, both families were there for Nicci ad Bill's wedding Saturday, September the 21st, 2013.  It was held in Minneapolis, MN at the museum, which was originally a flour mill. About 100 people enjoyed a fun weekend of, party, party.  Sher and I got in some shopping at the "Million Dollar Mall".....Sher and Julie duked it out competing for the "favorite aunt" position.  Nicci was a beautiful bride and had turned it over to a wedding planner to set it up.  Pam and Rob looked great and Tiffany was a beautiful brides maid.  Scott and Will ushers. Different from the Utah weddings, no music, few flowers, no scriptures or religion mentioned.....Just a beautiful bride and handsome groom......front and center.
Sherrie and I got home about 1:00 Sunday afternoon, she had to drive on to Vernal.  Tired......Yes!

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