Sunday, September 29, 2013


Sunday night and time to email my missionaries......One in Brazil and one in far away from their families.  I am so thankful for emails and the chance to hear from these precious boys once a know if they are well or hungry?  We seem to go through their trials and tribulations, so many miles away, but  every week anxious to hear what is new in their part of the world.  I have been to Brazil and to Mexico many times.  They are both having such a great experience Rich in the picture on top under the volcano and Alex with the little girls he baptized.
I met Patty at McDonalds at nine this morning.....she needed to talk.  Her kids and her mother are wearing her completely out.......I try to tell her don't let worry and stress take the precious hour of your life.  When worry, stress and anger attempt to join you on the must fight it off.  Her mother is 98 and a real trial.. and living alone demands a great deal of time,..three grown children live with them  two with no jobs......and her husband is living on 13% of his heart working.....Worry?  Who wouldn't?  I will always be there for her....even though all I can do is listen!!!!
Sherrie and Brayden were coming in but there was  a change of plans.  Worked in the yard awhile.....things are dying and Fall is upon us......I am so lucky, white and 81......and lovin' life.

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