Friday, September 27, 2013


Sherrie and Julie had more fun than anyone at the wedding.......with their sale item dresses and head bands and Sherrie had a banner that said brides maid and in back favorite aunt!!!!  They did the big run as I sat it out tending the coffee and the back ground with my orange shirt and head band!  We all got a medal for participation with Nicci and Bill and run to the wedding and date on the back, a fun momentum. I thought about running but have taken "run', "jump" "hop" and "skip" out of my vocabulary.......Well, my heart was in it and that is all that counts.
With imagination we can do is literally the workshop wherein are fashioned all plans created by man. Man can create anything which we can imagine. Synthetic Imagination....through this faculty one may arrange old concepts, ideas or plans into new combinations.  This faculty creates nothing.  It merely works with the material of experience, education and observation with which it is fed.  Creative Imagination.....through the faculty of creative imagination, the infinite mind of man has direct communication with Infinite Intelligence.  It is the faculty through which "hunches" and "inspirations" are received.  It is by this faculty that all basic or new ideas are handed over to man.  It is through this faculty that one individual may "tune in", or communicate with the subconscious mind of other men.   Desire is only a thought and impulse.  It is nebulous and ephemeral.  It is abstract and of no value, until it has been transformed into its physical counterpart.  Just remember the synthetic imagination is the one which will be used most frequently, in the process of transforming he impulse of desire into money.....IDEAS ARE BEGINNING POINTS OF ALL FORTUNES....IDEAS ARE PRODUCTS OF THE IMAGINATION.
Cold rainy day with our first snow frosting the mountains this morning.  Off to a movie and dinner with my cute son-in-law Rob tonight.  Pam's off with her girl friends to dinner and a play at the U........I think I am second choice, but I am not complaining.

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