Thursday, September 5, 2013


I love it when you get up in the morning knowing today will be a good day........I just tell myself that every morning.......As you get older, you find out that true happiness is not in how much money you make or how many degrees you have. or how big your house is, or how fancy your car is.  It's finding peace and joy and a calmness in your life that becomes the most important thing to you. Your family is what matters to you. Love is what matters to you, things that are quality not quantity.
Picked up my cute Jr. Higher yesterday from school, he is growing up too fast.  He is so sweet to me..  I am stressing about my oldest grandson......I'm sorry I just don't want his girl friend to be the mother of my great-grandchildren.....but it really isn't any of my business I guess. It is ..... what it is.  Off to swim with my two daughters.....we call it exercise???

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