Sunday, September 15, 2013


Sunny Sunday.....Rained off and on yesterday but today is nice.  Pam and I walked over to the pool and exercised an hour......feels so good.  To bad we only have a week or two left to swim before Annette closes the pool.
It wasn't very long ago that I was fairly tall......and now I need these glasses cause the print is getting small. That isn't all that brings about a little bit of dread.  Half of my friends are already dead.  So you see I understand that life is often cruel.  No one need complain if 'old' is acting like a fool.  And inside this old carcass a young girl still dwells.  Where even on occasion her battered heart swells.  Remembering the joys, remembering the pain.  I'm just loving life and living it over again.
These words could come from many of my dear friends......our favorite past time is getting together to see who has the most complaints......about our health, the weather, our family, Obama, the price of our medicine.......should I go on? But, we all agree deep inside we are still young and have dreams.
Started packing for my trip Thursday to Minneapolis for Nicci's wedding.......

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