Wednesday, September 25, 2013


I love do most of my family.  Thumbing through the ideas and recipes of many is great.  It is like going shopping on line.   Sure, shopping is fun----and science knows why;  Studies show finding something we want stimulates the brain region associated with rewards and desire, and promotes the release of the happiness hormone dopamine.  The best part?  You don't have to spend any money or even leave your home to benefit!  Just browse online for an instant bliss boost!  I am not much of a on-liner I prefer to look and touch......I can say five hours in the million dollar mall in Minneapolis had my dopamine hormones racing on high!
How do you talk yourself into success?  A simple but life-changing shift in vocabulary.  Trading "I can't" for "I can".  Replacing "maybe" with "definitely."  Switching out "not me" for "why not me?"  Believe in yourself, and that confidence will carry you toward your dreams!
Tired, tired, tired......still recuperating from my big weekend in MN, then bridge last night till mid-night and again today bridge and lunch......maybe tomorrow I will sleep all day.
"Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning, the Devil says......"Oh Crap......She's up!"

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