Friday, September 13, 2013

NO WORRY.......

YES, it isn't hard for me to find something to worry the rumor that chocolate makes your clothes shrink!......or is it a rumor?  What do you worry about?  I also worry I will spend my golden years broke and living under a bridge, that the big black mole on my boob may be cancer......if though I have had it checked, I worry about climate change and what the world will be like for my grandchildren.  I worry because I can't remember some one's name or the name of a book I want to read.  It seems we are wired to pay attention to scary thing.  The #1 function of our brain is to keep us alive.  We worry as a way to anticipate possible dangers and problem....solve our way through them.  Our vigilant ancestors survived because of this.  We are good at worrying and don't know how to turn it off sometimes.
So start with focusing on what you can control, instead of avoiding pain, uncertainty and heartbreak, we should embrace these emotions.....they are part of being human.  Is it time to clean house on those worries?
DID YOU KNOW?....Of the 44 US presidents Obama rated fifth.  Reagan, Lincoln, Washington, Jefferson and 6 others tied for first........18 presidents tied for second, 14 presidents tied for 3rd, Jimmy carter came in 4th and Obama came in 5th......Worse one ever.....and yes, I worry a lot if we will have any world left after Obama and Obama Care!

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