Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Oh yes, the good old days when no one said, "now run out doors and get some exercise".......Most the time our mother was out hunting us down as we were off somewhere roller skating, riding a bike, jumping rope, playing hop-scotch. The girls played "jacks" on the side walks or pavement where the ball would bounce or "jump rope."  The boys found a flat dirt spot and played "marbles" or spun their "tops".  Both boys and girls" rode bikes" and "roller skated".....instead of always looking for our car keys we were looking for a misplaced skate key! And we did a lot of "walking".  Sure you were free to go most anywhere in town you wanted, but you knew wherever it was you were going to walk there and mother hauled their kids around like they do now days. There were no swimming pools, besides our mother's were afraid we would get polo......a most dreaded disease before the vaccination was invented......and there were just ponds and the  river to swim in.  In the winter we ice skated on the ponds and river and went sled on Dawson Hill.  There were very few fat kids around.  There was not much money for snacks or junk food either.  When evening rolled around we were tired and hungry when we finally wandered home.  We ate whatever was prepared and there was no fighting about staying up to watch TV.....there was none!  I would not trade those growing up days for all the money in the world, good families, friends and my grandparents lived a block up the street. THE BEST OF THE BEST!

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