Tuesday, September 10, 2013


After being married 30 years, I suddenly found myself single at 54. Dating generated a lot of funny stories but wasn't actually all that much fun.  More fun was everything else in life.  I moved into a fun condo, in a nice neighborhood with my three daughters and their families close by. I had great friends and a very supportive family........and a cuddly 4 legged roommate. So why would I want to re-partner, when I was already a lot happier than I'd been most of the time I was married to an airline pilot......who was gone 3/4 of the month. Could singlehood be, rather than a state of emergency or a problem that had to be solved, a positive life choice?  Is a single person always the unmatched half of something or could I be complete as is? Yes, being odd man out at first was hard, but soon I was choosing to go out with other ladies in my boat.   People are shocked to hear that over half  the people talked to were content with their singlehood. A few single people have given the rest of us the bad name of "single people are unhappy by definition......and older people are the most miserable".  Not true, my friends and I (all elderly), are more likely to be content as single people. Marriage later in life seems to be for a nurse and a purse!!!!  When author Klinenberg wrote "Going Solo" he planned to write how difficult it was for older people to be alone in America, but his research was completely the opposite......"Not only did most older people living alone want to live alone, they were more likely than those in couples to be social, or likely to go out to cafes, plays and card parties.  They were not single out of desperation but because of a desire of integrity and independence." I have been so happy these past 27 years being independent, managing my own finances and decisions, devoting all the time I want to my children, travel and friends.....even a casual relationship would put pressure on you?  No more "Can I pound a nail here?"....."What do you want for dinner?"......"Can we afford it?".....No, life is what it is......GREAT at 81 and single.
Today I had a flue shot, got gas and had lunch.  The Panniers off to the State Fair.....hope they don't get wet!

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