Sunday, September 8, 2013


After you blow up at someone sometimes you regret it, but being angry hurts no one but you.....Venting to someone----a good friend, acquaintance or even a co-worker---not only helps make the problem seem less daunting, it sometimes strengthens your relationship with that person.  Thank goodness I have several very good friends who listen patiently as I rant and rave about something that makes me angry......and I also listen to their complaints.  In fact, getting so upset that you actually swear can draw you closer because it shows you're comfortable enough with the other person to let your guard down! You don't judge someone by a few swear words. I guess the bonus of venting when you're angry or frustrated reduces physical pain! You yell and holler and swear a little, then your blood pressure goes back down and you move on.  Maybe that is why I am so healthy????
Don't feel down or have the power to lift yourself up.  Bad hair days, why-did-I-eat -that days.  What-was-I-thinking days.  We all have a few of these, and they can be discouraging.  But not for long, if you tell yourself the real truth; that you're beautiful and capable, interesting and important---and headed someplace great! Be your own best friend.
A chilly rainy day and this week's weather forecast is to be in the 80's.

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