Monday, September 2, 2013


If I gave my kids a test could they tell me what all these pictures from my past are?  Maybe my kids could but I doubt the grandchildren could......Those who were born in the 50's--60's---70's and 80's are the last generation who played in the street!  During our childhood we "walked" over a mile a day when we played "hide and seek"... outside at night with no worries or fear of anything bad happening to us. We loved the night games which also included " kick the can."  We are the first generation who played video games and the last to record songs off the radio onto a cassette tape.  We learned to program a VCR before anyone else, were the first to play from Atari to Nintendo. We were the generation of Tom and Jerry, Looney Tunes and Captain Kangaroo....We traveled in cars without seat belts, or air bags, lived without cell phones and caller ID. Can you even imagine a household in the US today without a cell phone or two or three???? And how nice it was to talk to someone on the phone rather than getting a few words of text on a cell phone?  We did not have fax machines, flat screens, surround sound, I pads, Facebook, Twitter, computers or Internet and through it all we had a really good time!  Popping pop corn on the stove, piling records on the turn table and hanging clothes out on the line every week, especially when it was so cold they froze solid in minutes were part of my life.  Yep, I guess I grew up in the dark ages and feel completely normal....I just don't want to ever forget how far I have come.

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