Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Once ....when I was experiencing a difficult time in my life.....a dear friend, who was also a bishop told me........."Betty the higher you climb the lower he will sink"......I have always remembered that and when things get bad, I see myself going up, up, up a circular staircase.....I am not sure where it will lead me, but hopefully to GOD. In a magic way it is drawing me up to above the problem a person or thing is causing me.
Pam and I were off to the pool one last time before our big weekend and it probably will be closed when we get home.  I feel so good when I exercise!!!! I did find a good exercise for OLD PEOPLE...... Stand with plenty of room on each side.  Take 5 pound bag in each hand.....extend your arms straight out and hold as long as you can. Try full minute then relax. Do each day work up to 5 minutes.  Next try 5 pound and eventually get where you can lift 100 pound bag for a full minute.  I am at this level.......After you feel confident at this level put a potato in each bag!
Okay.....no complaining that you're not going anywhere.....You get a free trip around the sun every day!  Off to tend my sweet grandkids at the Cooks for the night.  Kar and Rich off to Las Vegas to celebrate their 22 nd anniversary. Turning cold and rainy.

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