Saturday, September 14, 2013


When we embark on life we never know for sure where the road will take us.  When I graduated from high school at 18 I realized there were many roads ahead and mountains and is confusing when you have been use to your parents pretty much picking the roads you have been traveling. All you can do is take it day by day.  Many do not realize the four letter "F" word is very insidious because unbeknown to you, it could be the motivation behind a shockingly high percentage of the life choices you make......that "F" word is FEAR!
They say that 80% of the decisions we make are based on fear rather than desire........stop and think about it?  If I had married Clifford, Wally or much different would my life be?  What made me choose Don? If I don't buy this now......if I wait for a sale, will I miss it?  If I don't go to the doctor now, will my ailment get worse?  If I quit this job......will I find another one?  Yes, check your everyday decisions and see if you are making them out of fear or desire.  Looking at the decisions you made in the past .....were they driven by fear or aspiration?  Were you moving toward something you wanted or away from an alternative that you hated? Trying and failing means the world has rejected you and your efforts and the rejection is our number one fear!  Living, really living means taking chances, so it's sad if we never conquer our fear.
When my joints ache, when the hip breaks, when the eyes grow dim......Then I remember the great life I've had.....and then I don't feel so bad!
Enjoyed a warm Fall morning watching my youngest grandson, Scott, play football.  He is growing up so fast.

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