Saturday, August 10, 2013


What do sisters do when they get together.....they knit and talk for you can see Leslie is displaying a few of the products of our labor so she could put them out at a garage sale this week end.  Each scarf you make seems to have a personality of its own and hopefully will appeal to some one.  I will be anxious to hear how she did today.
We are both divorced and agreed holding a grudge is letting someone live rent-free in your head.  I learned this 25 years ago.  When I decided the woman that stole my husband deserved what she got and could keep him......My revenge to her was........ I was of him!
What so many women learn after a divorce or death of a spouse is they have to learn to live SINGLE.  You begin by finding yourself and start looking forward .....not back!  Enjoy a buffet of friends and people.....not just always looking for the right person again.  Stay engaged in life......stay on the path.....when one ends, start down a new path. Some people jump into a career, a hobby or like me start traveling.  So many paths out there, but not always easy to get yourself to do this alone, your use to too many years with a partner.  Leslie and I have had no problem with movin' on!

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