Thursday, August 22, 2013


I guess no one gets through life without some cross to bare. I came from a family of five healthy children, my three children were all healthy, I have nine grandchildren who are wonderful and perfect with one exception, my Kennedy has a learning disability. He is 15, 6 feet tall and so much fun, he loves sharks, legos and wants to be a monster truck driver.  His parents have been working on his speech but a new testing found his math skills are third grade and his reading skill fourth and he is starting high school!  They have to be brought up to at least sixth grade level to get through high school. Sherrie called in tears not knowing exactly what to do........and I have shed a few for Ken.  But today I am determined we can handle this. Ken has a very good doctor willing to help, there are several options with his school work, tutoring, home schooling, school aids. Yes, it will take patience, time and prayer to work through this but.....God doesn't hand you more than he knows you can handle. I am determined to do everything I can to help Sherrie and Darren get through this......isn't that what grandma's do?  GRATITUDE.......Yes, I am grateful for the many things Kennedy can do and has done.  He just got his driver learners permit, he creates great things out of legos, he water skis, snow mobiles, is a wonderful swimmer and is a scuba diver. I love you Ken.

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