Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Which would you rather be?

Just read a good thought that so fits the feelings of my father who seemed to pass it on to his children. Although my mother was very religious and had us baptized Mormons, Dad looked at some of the hypocritical people who sat in church every Sunday, but would lie and cheat their way through the week. His  motto "Would you rather be in the mountains thinking of GOD.....or sitting in church thinking of the mountains.?" Who could have made these beautiful Tetons but God?  When your there enjoying the beauty, the fresh air, the sound of birds and insects and the wonderful smells .......how can you have bad or mean thoughts?  How many people complain and dread getting all dressed up and going to church EVERY Sunday morning and just sit there not hearing or caring about a single thing said, in a really bad mood, just counting the minutes until church is over and they can get back to Levi's and t-shirts?  Church is good.  But like Dr. Phil says....."every pancake has two side." No, church does not make a person good, better or best, that is a personal choice!  My father loved the mountains, fishing the beautiful streams, hunting in the great forests and one of the greatest people you could ever know.........Love ya dad.
Off to bridge tonight and a list of chores a mile long.

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