Monday, August 12, 2013


I could not get up this morning......Such a busy week wore me out and I'm headed for a Dentist appointment in a few hours.   This is no way to start Monday off.  Lucille got me out of bed at 8;45...I'm a 7;00-7;30 person.  It was fun with Leslie here all week, Celebrated Annie's birthday early on Saturday.  Yesterday was a 80th birthday party for an old friend, the Panniers brought dinner over and then Pam and I went swimming, while Rob baby sat the dogs?  It's so good to keep busy but, so often I do find my get-up-and-go has certainly got-up-and-went.......But looking back on my 81 years and the many times I would work all day, dance all night when I was young, college was a non-stop go period of time, married life a baby, then twins. Got the family raised, husband left and I was off to see the world which was a non-stop go-go-go.  Now...... not so much go is left in me but ,I love thinking back on the wonderful places my getup has been!

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