Monday, July 29, 2013


Now days.....the thing to do is have a second place to escape to..  Two of my kids have cabins to break the routine of everyday living and the other has a time share they use once a month.  In my other life we had a cabin in Wyoming that I adored. Took long walks, pressed the wild flowers, gathered driftwood from the river near by and explored the little towns near by. The children so love these places and have many memories to share through their lives.  Now days I live in a great condo and  have spent many years traveling around the world. But now I don't feel like long lines, delayed schedules or having to pay extra to take my clothes with me.  My dream would be to have a fun place like this picture. In a fun area with good neighbors.  A couple of small flower beds, a little garden area and I would put a rocking chair on the front porch to watch the sun set or sun rise and listen to the frogs when the sun goes down.  As you get older your life grows more simple and you do just what you enjoy doing.  I will just close my eyes and go there.......pretend I already have the place of my dreams.....surrounded by fields of wild flowers and beautiful birds and the sound of the river near by. Occasional wild life wander near by, Oh yes, it costs nothing to dream!  Monday again and news from our two missionaries.  And........ I have to go to the dentist, broke a front tooth off!

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