Wednesday, July 17, 2013

GRANDMA ........

The word "grandma" is in every "lucky child's" vocabulary. I am sad to think every child does not have a good grandmother in their lives.  I love being a grandmother and I am one of those lucky children who had a wonderful grandma who lived just up the street and was always available with good food, big hugs and fun games with buttons etc. She was always round and snugly. She never wore pants, she wore dresses with a clean crisp apron on everyday.  She wore tan cotton socks with black, no nonsense shoes.  She loved to cook, garden and tend her chickens.  She made butter and cheese and pickles and root beer, you know the kind of food your mother never had time for.  She lectured me....and my three sisters.....on being modest, learning to work and marryin' a "good man" to father our children.  Yep, everyone should have a good grandma.  Thank you Korina for sharing your mother's genealogy and keep it coming. (DOB 01-25-1882 AND DIED 04-07-1965)
Went to see Dr. Dewey (eye doctor) today and not much has changed in the last year.....thank goodness! Watch out grandma I am catching up to your 83 years.

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