Thursday, July 25, 2013


I just have to see a picture like this and say, "Oh yes, there is no place like home."  You can go on an Instant Vacation by settling down in a chair like this with this great view.  Close your eyes and imagine you're on a dream'll get a shot of vacation bliss without leaving home!  Such day dreaming prompts your brain to release serenity summoning endorphins, so you feel great. Did you know that? You take who ever you want with you, stay as long as you like, because you can afford it and do it every day if you want.  This summer I have just taken several short trips or "Staycations" around home.  Off to Vernal for five days, down to St George for a night and up to Island Park Idaho a couple of times for the weekend. I got new patio furniture, with a lot of fun flowers on it, my little water fountain in the corner and a neat lantern, and a cold drink, turns my patio into the perfect get-a-way. Then my own little bed it just up the stairs.
I had a nice 24th of July, I watched the parade on TV and Mike and his family came by and we had a good visit while everyone went swimming. They were off to a movie, but I wasn't in a movie mood.  Today Karrie and Scot came over and cleaned the house, because their dogs had been here for several days.  They spoil me.  Hope I get the energy to get the car in for an oil change......Thursday already!.....One more week in August.

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