Tuesday, July 2, 2013


I tell you this heat adds years to your body.  I was agreement with this gal about being too tired to climb over "the hill" ......so was not worried about being over the hill ever.....but maybe I got over the hill without realizing it!  103 today....yesterday 104....Wow!
When I turned 80 I was opposed to the whole idea of dressing for my age.  I know people who act old at 40 and young at 90.  I think a mirror, rather than a calendar, should be your guide.  It's just common  sense......common sense and a mirror.
Do you know the moment you're ready to quit is usually the moment right before the miracle happens????  The past can hurt, but the way I see it.....you can either run from it or learn from it.
Here is a "I DIDN'T KNOW THAT" I just learned;  Hindus begin their day by gazing at the palms of their hands and repeat a little prayer "to indicate that fortune and learning are at your finger tips while the Lord is in the middle protecting you.  "Why the red dot?"  The red dot on the forehead is meant as a reminder, asking the gods to give the wearer good thoughts....It says, "Keep my thoughts in a good way."  I think these are both good things if they help you in your life.

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