Thursday, July 11, 2013


Well it happened.....a 102 and the air conditioner decided to die!  Of course, the first thing I did was call my sweet son-in-law and ask him the best people to call.  He called his heating and air man and set up an appointment for me.  A nice man named Jason came and diagnosed the problem, it was leaking water and had ruin "the board"......... and the next would be the engine. Sooooo they arrived at eight, two guys and said it would probably be an all day job.  But I am thankful there are smart people and I am able to get it fixed and move on.  I am leaving town for the weekend so they promised to finish it in one day.  I need to clean house as I have bridge Tuesday and need to pack.  Garbage day, lawn mowing all comes down at once.  Poor Gigi is locked up for the day as all the doors and gates are wide open.  Oh well, this to will pass.

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