Tuesday, July 9, 2013

OH NO!!!!!

My first text of the day......"Look at the Internet and see Brayden  is taking his first helicopter lesson!"....Of course my first reaction is "Oh No.....he is only 17......he can't fly a helicopter", even though he has his pilots license already. I am so proud when my kids or grandkids step out side the box and learn or do something new. Brayden has talked to me some about wanting to be a helicopter pilot, he could make good money flying supplies and parts from Vernal to the oil fields around there......but I always thought he meant after he graduated from high school and went on a mission and by then I might be dead and not have to worry about him.......but there was a picture with Bray in the helicopter sitting on a ridge above Lake Powell.  So I say...."more power to you, and just stay safe?"  His adventurous mother was very excited about it ............sooooooo?
Travel is about the gorgeous feeling of teetering in the unknown."  At one time taking a ride in a helicopter was on my bucket list......but a few years ago, after second thought, I crossed it off!  Maybe if I live to be 90?
"There are two words in a person's life that will open lots of doors for them......PUSH and PULL"
Marley and Izzey are spending the night with me.....Gigi enjoys her four legged relatives!

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