Monday, June 10, 2013


Yea Monday.......I love Mondays because it is P-Day for my missionaries.  I can read what is new in their adventure of their new life.  I miss them a lot but I am so proud of them and so happy for the emails they send home each week.
Karrie is getting things ready for a garage in a couple of weeks and I am using it to get rid of more "stuff" around my house.  I am a collector and a saver......soooo I have been going through cupboards and closets that have not been touched forever.
I am getting rid of "MUDA"!  In Japanese, "muda" means "things that aren't necessary" as in "items that add no value to your life".  As you clear an area, pick up each item and ask yourself, "Do I need this to be happy?  "If  your not sure, box it away for a month; if you miss it, it'll be there waiting.  But if you no longer care for it or need it as you once did, consider donating it to a charity or giving it away.  Your load will be that much lighter, and you'll have more room for the thing you really love.......and when you go to the garage sale next Saturday you will have room for more "treasures!" Yep, I am saving William's college graduation announcement and Nicci's wedding note! WOW, you should see my house full of "MUDAS"........items that add no value to my life, but make me happy. I am thinking about that IN, one OUT, I said thinking about.  Andrea off to Cedar City for Young Ambassadors conference, Karrie and I will drive down this weekend for graduation and bring her home.

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