Monday, June 17, 2013


Wisdom is not having a tattoo at any age......! Monday and I am on standby for today's emails from my two far away.  Also will be off to Vernal for a few days to baby-sit the kids and the farm.  Had a nice weekend with Father's Day, The Christenson's 23rd wedding anniversary and my trip to St. George. Each day gives us a little more wisdom in life.
None of us feels great when we make a mistake.  However small, it can aggravate us to no end.  But mistakes can also be gifts, doorways to learning, growth, and wisdom.  When you open your mind to what mistakes can represent, you can stop punishing yourself and learn to grow.  For the next few minutes, think of the last mistake you made.  The greatest lessons in life often originate from a place of failure.  Mistakes can be excellent teachers who guide you along a bumpy road to a place of understanding.  The next time you make an error, give yourself permission to be open to the valuable lesson that will improve your life.....and realize as you age, so does your tattoo.

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