Saturday, June 29, 2013

Shamed of our President......

Here we go again......seems no matter where the president goes we find out how un-popular he is......He and his family are off on a very expensive vacation to Africa and in Soweto, South Africa  he was faced with demonstrators against his visit on June 29, 2013. Their complaint as follows: "Our rejection is based on the USA's arrogant, selfish and oppressive foreign policies and treatment of workers and international trade relations that are rooted in war mongering, new-liberal super exploitation, colonial racism and the disregard and destruction of the environment, thus making the realization of a just and peaceful world impossible". The demonstrators chanted "NO-BAMA"  Nelson Mandel (94) is in the hospital and he was advised not to disturb he didn't like anyone saying NO  to him.
Had a very successful garage sale at the Cook's today.......thanks to many friends contributing.......Andrea has to earn the money for her trip to India next spring with YMAD. Youth Make a Difference.  They paint schools, teach children English and help out wherever they can, it is.....but it isn't a 2 1/2 week vacation.  I hope she gets to ride an elephant......that was one of the highlights of my trip to India.  Sooooooo hot!!

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