Wednesday, June 5, 2013


I look at this picture of my family having a good time and wonder what is in their future?  I found the following which makes you stop and think: "How incredible.  We have never seen populations disappear without a war or a plague, but that is exactly what 'post-familialism' is.....a kind of social plague"  This forecast by Joel Kotkin a demographer.  He says falling numbers of families and children are unleashing changes that threaten the security and prosperity of the world's economy. Declining fertility rates are triggering a host of problems, including rapid aging, smaller youth and working-age populations as people forgo marriage and start families---even a loss of shared purpose that glues societies together.
If we figure out how to nurture families, we can retain the very essence of our culture.  If we don't we are in for a very rough time.  You don't have to be a prophet to know that down the road, if we don['t recover the primacy of the family in the 21st century, not only are we in trouble, but the whole world is in trouble. The by-line of all this is Utah notes between 2010 and 2030, Utah's elderly population will more than double to more than half a million people. WOW!  Utah has the 6th fastest growing seniors population.  Will there be enough care centers for that many people? "Aging in Place" or staying in in our homes as long as possible is the dream of every old person!  Off to Park City to watch Scottie's Lacrosse game this afternoon.

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