Friday, June 7, 2013


About once a month two old neighbors and I get together at my house for a "therapy session". They came at 10:30 and left at 3; you know how much that would cost if we all were not so willing to tell the others how to improve what is going on in their lives for free?  Do we listen and take each other's advice.....hardly ever!
Yesterday I took my oldest granddaughter shopping for her birthday.....such a great time, then for pizza.  Like I said, life without grandchildren sure would be dull.  I am still waiting for great-grandchildren.....come on kids, I am 81?
Sherrie called this morning with her latest adventure.....she has started working in the office of their business, she collects, the rent for their apartments and helps put out the fires......or start them?  This guy was way back in rent and was suppose to come in by the 5th to talk to her....well he didn' she went to where he had moved in with a girl friend in another of their apartments..  He was not home and she found he illegally had a dog in one of their apartments.  He was not there so she took his little dog as a "hostage" get him to show up and settle the rent with her and remind him of the 'no dogs allowed' rule.  Seems the boss (her husband) could not believe what she had done.  My advice is, if you owe Sherrie rent, pay it, or you will find yourself in deep trouble......or minus your dog or maybe one of your kids!  Tomorrow garage sales and another weekend already.

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