Thursday, May 23, 2013


To-mor-row...(noun) "The best time to do everything you had planned to do today!" Well I guess this week is shot and if it isn't done is isn't going to be until next week.  This morning I followed Kar down to the car dealership to leave her car to be fixed and had a great morning hitting a couple of stores and stopped for lunch on the way home.  Just getting my suitcase out to pack for a weekend in Idaho and one of my best friends called ......'Is the coffee pot on?'  This poor gal is over her head with a 98 year old mother she tends, a husband whose heart is 13% working, three grown kids and a granddaughter that lives with them that are always hungry, needs to go somewhere etc......she does not have a life!  So when she calls I drop everything and listen.....Tomorrow is a good time to do every thing that did not get done today.....or not!  I did the important things and had a great day.
Tomorrow off to Idaho for the weekend. Hope the snow is gone.  Also, was informed I have a new four legged great-grandchild.  A part husky part malamute named Aspen......Will's new baby.  Have a nice Memorial Day........

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