Saturday, May 11, 2013

WANTA BE A KID AGAIN????? be a kid again!!!! When decisions were made by going 'eeny-meeny-miney-mo' a race issue meant arguing about who can run the fastest.  This is the day before 'Mother's Day' and for some reason all I can think of is when I was a kid.....I had this wonderful mother and father, three little sisters and a little brother......which most of the time I didn't claim!....I lived in the big white house with a white picket fence around it and two apple trees in the  front yard.....on the corner.  I knew everyone in town and knew I was loved.
It wasn't a bit odd to have more than one best friend, although everyone knew my best friend was Janet Brown.  Being old was anyone over 40, worst thing you could catch from the opposite sex was 'cooties'.......whatever they were?  Having a weapon in school was a spit ball shooter....heaven forbid a sling shot.  Nobody was prettier than your Mom.  Getting a foot of snow was a dream come true.  A big shopping trip wasn't complete without Cracker Jacks or ice cream.  Scrapes and bruises where miraculously better from a kiss.  Spinning around, getting dizzy and falling down was a cause for giggles not an emergency room.  Baseball card in the spokes of your bike or trike transformed it into a motorcycle. Taking drugs meant aspirin, Castor oil or baking soda. There was no TV only radio so we played kick the can  under the  street light or baseball on the vacant lot across the street.  We swam in the river and ice skated on the sewer pond! Favorite games were marbles and jacks....... Guess what we all survived and were happy normal people!  Yes, life as children knew it many years ago has really changed and it is kinda sad.  The Cooks came over and fixed my hose in the garage so I can water all the flowers I just planted out front.  Beautiful day........with a lot of wonderful memories.

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