Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Yes, I worry I will become like Don fighting windmills. We do live in a world with a heavy coat of negativity in it. My list of worries is long.  I worry about the bed bugs when I travel, The world will wake up some day and we will have cute all the trees.  They are killing all the elephants off  for their ivory tusks, you name it and I will worry about it.  Does worry come with old age???? Maybe worrying about things like that doesn't give me time to worry about me.
Today at bridge everyone was talking about their summer plans, trips here and there. A few years ago I was one of those amazing people visiting fascinating places and doing astonishing things.  We started comparing the wild and weird foods we had all been brave enough to sample.....or dared to eat. Oh yes, those were the good old days, but I am now ready to hang up my "DunnRovin" sign. It has been nice to ......have been there done that......and I have many wonderful memories of my travels around the world.  Yes, when I got home from an adventure some where in the world, I would be very happy to see my children and dog and sleep in my own bed.  As I unpacked my dirty clothes and treasures, so many feelings flooded my mind.  I usually already had my next trip planned and just kept the suitcase handy.  Last year it was four cruises and a week in Cancun,! I guess I can just sit home and find something to worry about and leaving the traveling to the girls in the bridge club.

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