Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Happy Memorial Day.....I remember when I was growing up we always went to the cemetery up on the hill with my mother.  Mother loved going up and putting flowers on her parents, her great-grandfather, numerous aunts, uncles etc.  She would get big bouquets of lilacs and white snow balls or anything in bloom. She also loved to visit with everyone who came to remember their relatives at this time.  When your young,,,,,,you really don't get it,.....but with time.....you do!
I went to Idaho with Pam and her family and it seemed more like "labor day" than "memorial day."  Rob was putting together a pergola and had ordered dirt and grass to go around the cabin.....well he put the kids to work and you ought to see how beautiful it looks.  Nothing like green grass to cover dirt and rocks......now he has to water and mow! The first morning we ate breakfast on the back porch in the warm sunshine, but as the day passed it cooled off and the next  day was cloudy and cool. Will took his new puppy......now I remember how much work a new puppy is, her favorite thing was digging in the big dirt piles!  Nice little get-away.
We had the biggest thunder and lightening storm I can remember in a long time this afternoon.  Gigi does not like thunder and it just would not stop.  The sun is trying to shine today.  Doing laundry and cleaning today.

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