Thursday, May 9, 2013


What a happy surprise to see your baby brother on face book when you haven't even talked to him since we were both at Dixie's funeral.  This is Jimmy Dick....Jim and Ace at her daughter's wedding put on face book by Jamie Yeomans, Jim's daughter. No one will ever know how happy I was to get a little brother when I was 14 and had three little sisters.  He grew up to be 6'4", a very big......little brother. I still love him very much, even though I will have to admit I could have killed him with my bare hands a couple of times.....Pam's wedding.....I know he loves me too.
There's a story behind everything, but behind all your stories is always your mother's story, because hers is where yours begins......and this is true with Jim and I.  I guess part of the reason I like Face book is the sharing of so many fun pictures of your family, that you would never enjoy otherwise.
When someone says "Life is hard"....ask them....."Compared to what?"

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