Tuesday, May 21, 2013


"The first to apologize......is the bravest.  The first to forgive.....is the strongest.  The first to forgive.....is the happiest."
When ask why you don't have any tattoos.....tell them "Do you see a Ferrari with bumper stickers?"
"Worry is like a rocking chair.  It gives you something to do, but doesn't get you anywhere!"
Funny how someone else sayings give you something serious to think about.  When something goes wrong in our lives, it's easy to feel like we're alone in our shortcomings. This is an irrational psychological level of thinking and leave us feeling isolated at the time we most need to feel connected to other people.  One of the big lessons I learned when I was taking my NLP course was how to reframe bad things to good things. By reframing things gone wrong into the context of shared human experience, we can tap into the feeling that we're all in this together and use our interconnectedness as a source of strength.  I can only imagine a mother with a handicap child saying "why me?"..... look around......others may be in the same situation or worse, but everyone is going through something. Motherhood is universally difficult.  As soon as I remember struggles with children is part of the experience of being a mother, and we all accept that, this is just a part of life.  Others have gotten through it and we will also.  Be your own cheer-leader which will give yourself support makes you much less afraid of failure because if you try and fail, you won't beat yourself up so bad.

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