Wednesday, May 22, 2013


What a great picture!  Gone.....but not forgotten! "Don't be sad its over, just be glad it happened."  They say everyone comes into your life to teach you something, I think that is also true of the animals that come into our lives.  This is Rob's dog, and Will's and Pam's and the girls.  He was in the family for many years.  He seemed to take a back seat to Annie the other duck dog until Annie went to doggie heaven, then Drake stepped up.  He also filled the hole that Charles left in December when Charles......went to doggie heaven! He loved being the only child of the family until they......yes, they went out and got baby Bree.  He absolutely ignored her as long as he could and when he figured out she wasn't going away he settled in as a baby sitter, letting her hang on his tail and sleep with him. They found he was full of cancer and they didn't want him to suffer, so it was a sad day when they said good-bye to him this week.
For awhile he wasn't my favorite dog......but I have forgiven him and will miss him.  In March when Pam and Rob went on a cruise to celebrate their anniversary and Will was on Spring Break, Drake and Bree were left with Grammie.....because I wouldn't let him sleep with me dog doesn't even sleep with me.......he barked all night.  He didn't like being gated in the hall and barked ALL night for four nights before William got home and came for him.  One night he got into the office where he ate about 15 little brown sacks, from a Christmas party, filled with gummy bears, cracker-jacks, liquorice, peanut brittle, nuts, chocolate bars and you name it. The room looked like a tornado had hit it. Pam said yes he had a sweet tooth and found all her special chocolate candy she hid in her bedroom one day!!!!! Well, he didn't even throw up or have diarrhea. The third night in desperation I locked him in the basement in that bathroom.....well he pooped all over it the first night.  As you can see, I did have a reason for not being too fond of him and swearing to never baby sit him again. But I am sad he is gone and for the family.
Off to get Gigi groomed and do a few chores.  Won at bridge last night!

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