Saturday, November 30, 2013

CHAPTER #19......around the world.....

BARCELONA, SPAIN........Here are two of my favorite pictures.  I flew to Barcelona with my friends for a trip down the MIDDIE CANAL IN FRANCE.  We had a few days here to check out
 this beautiful city.  Down the center in the busy part of the city was the Las Pasadas.......a wonderful shopping market with everything there, flowers, birds, garden seeds, local handicrafts, I could have spent a month there.  Then the wonderful art of "Gaudi", his famous la Sagarada Familia is the landmark of the city.  We took a train to NARBONNE, FRANCE where boarded our little boat, there were two boats for all of us.  We did our own navigation down the canal, learning to maneuver the locks.  So peaceful and beautiful slowly floating through the country side stopping when we desired for food, wine, cheese or to check out a fun eating establishment or just wander through a small village.  Sat on top our boat and drank wine and played bridge.  Took some fabulous pictures........and will always remember this as one of my favorite adventures!
One day before we left for FRANCE we rented a car and drove up to ANDORA......adding another country to our list of countries.  Wonderful ride up the winding road dodging herds of sheep.  The Bask people  are very hard workers and they have a beautiful the shopping is all duty free.


Yes, travel does keep you young,,,,,,,It does this by simply putting you in situations that make you feel like a child again.  When we are very young, everyday we discover some thing new in our world. Magically lost in a moment of discovery we forget our age as we see, hear, feel, smell or taste something new on a trip. Beautifully confused it could be the first time you awaken to the 5:00 AM call to prayer from the local mosque on Morocco's far Atlantic shore, (oh yes, I remember that day), the first time you feel the weight of the Egyptian sun on your shoulders, (Yes, I remember that too), the first time you paddle out over the shallow reefs of the Caribbean, or the first time you realize that people living in squalor can achieve happiness as easily as those living in mansions.
These are life's opportunities to shed the hustle of modernity and join the moment your heart races.  Every thing is new again.  Just keep sipping Jet-Stream!  The twins and their families finally got home three hours late last night......Darren's keys were locked in his truck and  ON STAR could not get it opened they got a motel room.  No way to end a vacation. Karrie, Scott an Annie came and got the dogs this morning and cleaned my whole house.  Then we zipped off to JOAN'S to buy material for Annie a Christmas blanket and then up to the Outlets to shop for her a new dress for the Christmas Dance!  A fun day.   Leslie called and she was almost back to Winslow....a busy month ahead for her getting packed and moved on top of Christmas.

Friday, November 29, 2013


I love, love this picture!  It's like the song 'I have the whole wide world in my hands'.......  I HAVEN'T BEEN EVERYWHERE.....BUT IT'S ON MY LIST!
I beg young people to travel.  If you don't have a passport......get one.  Take a summer, get a backpack and go to Delhi, go to Puckett, go to Bangkok, go to Sri Lanka.  Have your mind blown , eat interesting food, dig some interesting people, have an adventure, be careful. When you come back your going to see your country differently,  Music, culture, food, water, toilets and toilet paper are all different. Your going to see global climate change is very real.  And, that for some people their day consists of walking 12 miles for four buckets of water. And so there are lessons that you can't get out of a book that are waiting for you at the other end of that flight.  Americans and Europeans.....come home and go "Ohhhhhh" and the light bulb goes on.  I see where most my family have my Gypsy blood and they all love to travel.  No, I didn't graduate from college (only two years), but being a stewardess and marrying a pilot gave me a chance to start seeing the world.......after 30 years of that and a divorce......... my good friend was a travel agent and I was included in many deals with her which enabled me to continue traveling around the world.....yep, around 120 countries, 6 continents and 48 states.  No amount of book learning could be as great as the experiences I have had.
Karrie called and the Cooks and Christenson's are on their way home from St. Thomas, but have a three hour delay in South Carolina while they wait for new pilots to be flown the dogs get to stay another night as it will be very late when they arrive.  I can hardly wait to hear how their week was.....mine was great. Today was Black Friday and now we move on to Christmas......

Thursday, November 28, 2013


HAPPY THANKSGIVING!.........I can not even begin to tell you what is in my heart tonight!  There are tears in my eyes and in my heart for what I am thankful for........I had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day with the only sister I have left out of three.....and a good talk with my little brother JIM ......who is headed for a back operation next month.  I went to my nephew and his wife's house in Orem for dinner with my sister, LESLIE.  Her daughter KRISTI and granddaughter Anna came up from St. George.  My nephew's son CHASE and wife and baby Jude dropped by and played cards with us......MIKE's wife ANDREA and her three children  SARAH, JAKE AND MAT were with us so we had quite a group. She set a beautiful table with china and silver and the smoked turkey was wonderful.  Leslie and I brought Hordourvs.
Now for where my heart really was........with my three beautiful daughters and their families......I missed my other families so much. SCOTT, ANNIE AND TIFFF AND DARREN AND PAM all texted me so I knew they were also thinking of me! What is it about families and Holidays?  Good Memories from growing up?  Wondering how many more you have left to enjoy? Just loving your kids and grandkids more than they can ever know and missing my two Missionaries so far away......I don't know.......but I can't stop the tears tonight!
The past two days Leslie and I saw three movies, visited my cousin Lucille and got in lots of visiting.  I am sooooo excited she bought a place in Mesquite and is closer to me.  Two more days of November and then we plunge into the Christmas Holidays and Will's birthday!  Such a busy month ahead.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Chapter #18....round the world

  Growing up in all my wildest dreams I never thought I would make it to EGYPT!  Only in history books were the great pyramids, sphinx, deserts and camels and the wonderful Nile River. I had never heard of a Kartush....... (jewelry or picture with your name in their symbols.....which of course I had to buy).  We flew to Cairo with wonderful markets.  I don't think we missed a single temple....Luxor, Karnack etc.  We did a lot of walking but it was all different...and yet the same. We spent hours in the museum and got to see King Tuts treasures.  On the desert we took a ride on a first....and my last. Then a short ride down the NILE RIVER  in those interesting little boats called  'Fulukas' The last part of the tour was a five day trip down the Nile on a very interesting boat.  We stopped along the way every day.....more temples and wonderful new sights......and fun shopping.  Would I like to go back to Egypt?  Yes, but not until there is more peace there......but it will always be one of my favorite trips.

Sunday, November 24, 2013


WOW.....such a picture! My sweet Annie down in St Thomas sent this to the Face Book.  I have been there done that several times......but to be with my sweet families down there makes you just a little "jealous'.  Her title was 'St Thomas Charlotte Amelia at Marriott's Frenchman Reef Hotel.....Yes. We  had a very nice November Day here in Salt Lake.  I went to a movie with Shirley and we stopped for lunch, then to the store for a few items for Leslie's visit.  She called on her way to Orem for a great-grandson's baby blessing and was worried about the roads as the weather around Cedar City were pretty bad.  She also said our baby brother, Jim, was in Albuquerque in the Veterans hospital ......may have to have a back operation.
Been a busy and fun more week and we are into December. ure

Saturday, November 23, 2013

CAN'T HELP IT..........

AHHHH,,,,,I can't help but wish I was in St Thomas with my grandkids today among the sand, blue water and wonderful flowers.....watching them enjoy their beautiful vacation.  I have had some fun days on the beach and been to St Thomas several times .......I have left my foot prints there in the sand. I'm off to LUNCH with a dear friend from many years ago, Susan Holgreen.  Our husbands were airline pilots together,  Her husband is gone now......and so is mine kinda.......and it will be fun to reconnect and reminisce about our fun days learning to ski at Park City......the first year it opened.  Washed my hair, did two batches of laundry, turned on the dish washer, took out the garbage and tending two extra big dogs. My life has turned into VERY BUSY.  We are having bright sunny weather, but pretty cold.

Friday, November 22, 2013

50 YEARS AGO TODAY.........

5o years ago today President Kennedy was shot in Dallas Texas.......I think we all remember where we were that awful day!  A terrible thing for any country to go through.  However if that happened today????? I don't think there would be as many tears!
Yesterday at lunch with two old friends we got into a conversation about religion.  One friend is very, very catholic, I am Mormon but the other friend is nothing?  I love her dearly but worry about people who do not have God in their life, it doesn't matter what religion..... everyone needs some religion......she is kind and good and generous but who does she thank at night when the day is done?
"Mirror, mirror on the wall, I'm more than my appearance after all......We must believe that or the mirror will play a larger part than we would like in our self-image.  Now days Television, movies , magazines try to convince you that image is everything.  Staying young, flat stomach and weighing what you did when you were 16 is not only desirable.....but the pressure is on."  I think God disagrees.  He says your image is a reflection of His own.  But you can't see this kind of image in the mirror.  God is spirit, something you can't see. You were created in that image, created to reflect love, mercy, forgiveness, and grace.  You'll never find these in your bathroom mirror.  Instead, look at the reflection your life casts on those around you, That's where God's image can most clearly be seen. You can somehow see and feel it when a person is spiritual and very comforting to be with.  You need to surround yourself with this kind of people.  Kennedy was a strong Catholic.

Thursday, November 21, 2013


Can you imagine a family this large?  This is not Marley and Izzy, but could be......several years ago Izzy had 10 puppies, and only 8 nipples so we had to keep rotating them so everyone got a turn.  The puppies grew up to be beautiful dogs.......Tonight Karrie and Scottie brought MarMar and Iz over to spend the Thanksgiving week........ for me to tend while they take off for St Thomas. It was my turn because Karrie had tended my dog, Pams and Dons while we all went to Nicci's wedding in September.  We are a family of dogs that is for sure.
I Was excited to hear Leslie bought a house in Mesquite.........She will be a lot closer to me now.  Dukane lives there and her only daughter moved to St. George.  If I didn't have two daughters here in Salt Lake I would be tempted to join her.  Off to Chihuahua's for lunch today with Pat and Lavern......been a long time since we had gotten together.  It has turn cold and rainy today.....Condo meeting tonight.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Today was a busy day.....I had my yearly Physical at 8:30......and I passed my Alzheimer's test so I guess they won't cancel my Medicare this month!  They had me folding paper, remembering words, writing sentences, spelling words  backwards, drawing a first for me.
Then off to lunch and bridge at Joan's house.  I always feel like I have been to an "Organ Recital" when I get home from bridge after everyone tries to outdo the other with their latest tales of knee operations, hips, arthritis pains and on and on and on.  You name it and one of the eight ladies have endured! I don't know what I would do without this group of fun ladies that I have played bridge with these last many years......they are good friends and I know they all like me.
Tomorrow the Cooks and the Christensons leave for St. Thomas for Thanksgiving and I am getting Izzy and Marley for the week.  Also Leslie found a house in Mesquite, Arizona she wants to buy......if she can find the money!  It would be wonderful to have my only sister closer.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Chapter #17......around the world

STONEHENGE.......of England.  Ann and I rented a car in England and drove through England, Scotland and Wales.  One of the highlights of my trip through England was Stonehenge......oh yes, and learning to drive on the left hand side of the road. We were fascinated by this place, the size and the mystery of these huge stones.  They think it was built between 3100-1100 BCE.
Stonehenge is an enigmatic prehistoric  monument located on a chalky plain north of the modern city of Salisburg, England.  It started 5,000 years ago and has been modified by ancient Britons over a period of 1,000 years.  Its purpose is not no written records were left behind.
The circle of rocks was aligned with the mid summer sunrise, the mid winter sunset, and the most southerly rising and northerly setting of the moon.
Prior to 1950's  most archaeologists believed that Stonehenge's use had been limited to the ritual activities of different Neolithic chiefdom's.  However,  it is now known that Stonehenge had another equally important function, which was it's use as an astronomical observatory.  Close by were fields with strange designs made into them that were also very interesting that no one can explain.......I tell you folks......those Aliens were....are.....very interesting people.  We enjoyed our time there and took some fun pictures.


Yesterday it was doors.  You can see I don't have a lot of exciting things in my life to write about????
I have always loved doors........and wondered a lot if doors keep you out or if they keep you in? And I just read something else interesting about the use of doors.  Ever walk into a room with some purpose in mind, only to completely forget what that purpose was?  Turns out, doors themselves are to blame for these strange memory lapses.
Psychologists at the University of Notre Dame have discovered that passing through a door way triggers what's known as an 'Event Boundry' the mind, separating one set of thoughts and memories from the next.  Your brain files away the thoughts and memories you had in the previous room and prepares a blank slate for the new locale.
Thank goodness for studies like this.....It's not our age, it's that stupid door.

Monday, November 18, 2013


HEY.......I am so excited!   I have three, yes three new high rise toilets..... and a new bigger water tank!........When you let your kids move in......and I know most of my friends have had this happen to them on and off and they are use to 'the best of the best'........they are so great to up-grade your house-hold.  10 OR 12 years ago The Chiristensons moved into the basement for 7 weeks between homes and Darrren put in a new BIGGER hot water heater, well Rob and Pam are down there now until their new house is built and Rob decided he needed a BIGGER water tank, one to enjoy his morning shower so I got a new one today and the higher toilets.   I REALLY NEEDED THESE AS MY KNEES ARE GIVING OUT AT 81, but he is only 56?  I would have been thrilled to have one up stairs but they also put one in my upstairs bathroom.   It has been a busy weekend for Rob he fixed the doggie door and put up some fun Christmas lights outside.  Love him and I hope he never grows up!  I can't think of a better Christmas Present.!  Didn't get much done today personally, but feel we had a great day......Have a busy week coming up with doctor appointment, bridge, luncheon and the condo meeting.  Bright and sunny today.....but chilly.

Sunday, November 17, 2013


I am waving from the Crater door as I watch the family get suited up to certify in scuba diving and my cute youngest grandchild\, Scott, getting some help before he dives in.
In Midway Utah at the Homestead Resort is this amazing one of a kind Natural is a geothermal spring hidden within a 55 ft. tall Beehive-shaped limestone rock.
Over 10,000 years in the making.  This crater formed when melting snow on the Wasatch mountains seeped deep within the earth.  Two miles below he surfaced, the earth's interior heated the water.  As it percolated upward, it picked up minerals which then deposited on the surface, eventually forming the volcano-shaped limestone deposit called the Homestead Crater.
The hole at the top of the dome lets in sunlight and fresh air while the interior stays heated by the mineral water at a constant range of 90-95 degrees.  It is 60 feet deep and opened to the public 1996.  A tunnel through the rock wall at ground level leads to the custom-built decks and soaking area where people can enjoy it year round.  In fact we were up there yesterday in a big snow storm.  I went up with my grandchildren to certify for a scuba diving license for their Thanksgiving trip to St Thomas.  This crater attracts many diving enthusiast's from across the country wishing to get certified in a comfortable environment.
It was a very fascinating place to me and I can't believe I've lived in Utah 60+ years and had never been into this interesting phenomenal place in my back yard.

Friday, November 15, 2013

CHAPTER #16......around the world

I loved, loved, loved this trip......the only thing missing was my roommate......Leslie's lawyer thought she should not go so the Cox's and I went without her.  The trip to the Holy Land made a big impression on me...... it made you stop and think of all the words and places mentioned in the Bible as you grew up were real.  I saw Mt. Nebo the most likely area where Jesus was and the Jordon river were Jesus was said to be  baptized.  I swam.....or floated..... in the Dead Sea.  In Jerusalem I put my prayer on a small piece of paper in a crack in the Wailing Wall.  At the Dead Sea we took the tram up to Masada and enjoyed the great story and history of that settlement.  I have a picture of me taken hugging the only tree up there.  Saw where Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Was enchanted by the old trees in the Garden of Gethsemane where we stopped for lunch......The Mount of Olives, The Garden Tomb and Mt Carmel.  Oh, so much to see and remember, but enjoyed a good feeling even though in some areas there were guards with guns stationed around. We drove by the mountains where the famous Dead Sea Scrolls were found.  There are many miles of desert with herds of sheep and goats and desert people.  I will never forget this wonderful trip.


As a blogger......I find a blog is the place to write how you feel and what you are thinking.......Well, as you know our world at this point is consumed by the mess the President of the United States has put our Health Care in.......he has succeeded in his plan to ruin it!  So far I have not received a cancellation from my Health Care Plan as millions around the US have.....but every day I dread getting the mail, cause you might be the next.  At my age I need my health care help.  What is ahead for us........I wish I had a crystal ball!  Do too many Americans have a bad attitude about it?  Shouldn't we?  I keep thinking some one is going to get pushed so far they shoot I don't how to shoot?  I wonder why Obama has dropped his big push calling his new health plan "OBAMA CARE" to just................. "AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE PLAN?".......It is so bad he doesn't want his name on it any more!!!!

Thursday, November 14, 2013


Waiting to hear a speech from Obama on how he is going to fix the mess he has got us in with Obama Care.....He thinks he is God and it has to end...I like the following story;
The  Pope and Obama are on the same stage in Yankee Stadium in front of a huge crowd.  The pope leans toward Obama and said, "Do you know that with one little wave of my hand I can make every person in this crowd go wild with joy?  The joy will not be a momentary display but will go deep into their hearts and they will forever speak of this day and rejoice."  Obama replied ,"I seriously doubt that!  With one little wave of your me!" So the Pope back handed him and knocked him off the stage!  And the crowd roared and cheered wildly and there was happiness through out the land!  Kinda brings tears to your eyes, doesn't it?   What is our country going to do....why has all this so upset me much bad stuff going on in our wonderful America.  I am so thankful for my many blessings and wonder what God thinks as he looks down on us.

Chapter #15......around the world

From the Golden Triangle on my trip through Thailand and Burma we caught a long boat down the Mekong Delta River to a small village in Laos for an afternoon tour. Laos is a small country squeezed in between Burma, Viet Nam and Thailand.  Such interesting people and culture and they seem to eat every bug that moves.  They deep fry them like French fries????  There are many ethnic groups.  The little village we were in was not much more than small shacks with dirt trails leading off in many directions.  The little market had many bottles of liquor with strange looking animals floating in them. UGH.  I did buy a cute little turtle that opens up with a small compass inside. There were many Kodak Moments every where you look.  The people were as interested in us as we were in them.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


These are my two beautiful oldest grandchildren........  pictures  taken with me in October at Nicole's wedding in Minnesota.  Tiffany, who was a brides maid and the bride Nicole.  I was so, so excited to become a grammie when Tiff was first.  Then Nicci three years later.  I have watched them grow into beautiful, smart and talented young women.  Getting an education, marrying nice young men and working hard. Seems only yesterday I was baby sitting, making fluffy dresses they loved and blankies.  Going to school programs, dance programs etc and always being a proud Gram. Their parents have done a very good job of encouraging them and supporting them along the way.  I am thankful to have lived long enough to see them grow up and succeed and it also says I did something right along the way.......when your grandchildren succeed in life.  My next goal is to live long enough to see some I am waiting and waiting and waiting!!!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


As I get older people ask me...."so what do you do to keep busy?"......Well I can tell you just transforming my vocabulary to fit in with my grandkids is a full time job.  I feel like I have two sets of words to use every day......what I used the word for when I was growing up and what my grandkids use that word for today!  Now you have to realize I grew up in the dark ages to this generation......we had wood stoves, the telephone hung on the wall and was a party line, we did have electricity, you know light bulbs........ no TV, computers or cell phones......but when the kids now days talk about  LOG ON, they don't mean....... put some wood on the fire.  LOG OFF isn't let the fire cool down.  A MONITOR now days is a noun, when I grew up you monitored the progress of the fire in the stove and that word was a verb..  DOWNLOAD, we were asked to help take the wood out of the truck and stack on the porch.  A HARD DRIVE.....was the trip to town in a snow storm on the old gravel roads that were seldom plowed.  WINDOWS were what we opened in the summer to cool off and closed in the winter to keep the cold out.  SCREENS were what we put on the doors and windows to keep out the bugs.  BYTE.....was what mosquito's did to you.  A CHIP was what we ate with a hot-dog and MICRO-CHIP was what was left in the bottom of the bag of chips.  KEYBOARD, everyone had one by the back door to hang your car keys on.  SOFT WARE was what you bought for a new baby.  A animal you set a little trap for, in the pantry, with cheese on it.  MOUSE PAD was where the mouse lived.  ENTER was how you got into your house. CLICK, what you heard when you closed something.....DOUBLE CLICK when you had to close it again.  REBOOT was when you took your boots off and then decided you had to go to the outhouse one more time before you went to bed!!!!.  Now after being told about a dozen times what these words mean now days I am really making progress in the 20th century.....however I'm still not sure about Hard Drives, Bytes, and Micro-chips?

Monday, November 11, 2013

CHAPTER #14.....around the world.

CHANNEL ISLANDS OF JERSEY AND GUERNSEY.........Ann and I flew to New York and spent a day before boarding the QE-2 to sail for Southampton, England.......five days later we arrived in England.  We took a train to the end of the of the line where we boarded a hydrofoil or high speed catamaran to Jersey.  Arriving after dark took some hunting a taxi and then finding our bed and breakfast down some steep steps....interesting introduction to the island.  Next day pleasantly surprised to find a fun village on the water and nice people everywhere.  We spent three days on Jersey and three on Guernsey and was most fascinated by the big stone bunkers the Germans had built on these island during the war.....on a clear day you could see France across the English Channel. 
These island are an archipelago of British Crown Dependencies in the English Channel off Normandy. They include 2 bailiwicks.  The bailiwick of Guernsey, capital Saint Peter Park and the bailiwick of Jersey, capital Saint Heller.  They are not part of the United Kingdom.  A Bailiwick is a territory administered by a Bailiff who is head officer of the state.
Germans occupied
Jersey 1940-45 was harsh.....over 2,000 islanders were deported and the Jews sent to concentration camps.  Huge cement fortifications were built along the coast and mines laid. There was no resistance by the locals.  End of occupation came after VE-Day, May 8, 1945.  This was more an adventure, than anything.


No matter how long you live you can keep having "Firsts" in your life.......This is my oldest granddaughter Tiffany and her husband Scott.  They have been married three years and when she married Scott he had a big dog named Captain.  Friday after work when Tiff picked Captain up from "Doggie Play Day", they informed her he had had a....... Viagra problem.......(you know the commercial for Viagra, if it lasts more than 3 or 4 hours call the doctor)  well, Captains was all day and maybe she should have him checked.....alarmed Tiff called her Dad for help (Scott was deer hunting!).........and off to the Vet they went......they knew what to do for him thank goodness.  I thought it was kinda funny, but they weren't laughing at the time. Never a dull minute when you have kids or pets!
The weekend flew by, Saturday I went to a movie and shopped a bit.  Sunday Rob hunting so Pam and I checked out the new house, had lunch at the mall, took a nap and took Tiffany to the Spaghetti Factory for dinner.  The weather was in the middle 60's and wonderful.  Today we hear from our missionaries....YES!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Chapter #13....around the world.....

Travelers compare notes and it is fun when you are asked, "Have you stayed at Aggie's" and you can say "Yes." This place has become a legend.....which was helped by James A. Mitchener's "South Pacific"....... and some due to the sailors who found it a home away from home in Samoa.  The original hotel founded by Aggie in 1933 became a renowned club for American servicemen stationed in Samoa during World War II. The original Aggie's has been rebuilt, but the same charm is still there.  We stayed in the bungalows, each one named for the movie stars that had stayed there. 
It originally opened in 1933 as a hamburger and coffee bar.  It soon evolved into a hotel which was popular with American soldiers.  Aggie was the daughter of William Swann, an English chemist and his Samoan bride, Pele.  They were good friends with Robert Lewis Stevenson, who stayed there a lot.  I will always remember this vacation as being very special.....Samoa is a must, wonderful beach and snorkeling.

I'M NOT PERFECT..........

No, I'm not perfect, but I am the way God made me.  Thanks to my wonderful parents I was raised to like myself......I am content to be and do things alone because I like my own company and am very self-confident. I do not need a man or even a lot of rich or famous people
 to "validate" me.....I love my lady friends, especially those who like me because I am me.
In NLP we had an exercise where you stood barefoot on the grass (earth) and looked into the sky and contemplate our place between the atoms and the stars.  This magnitude can boggle your mind. Our individuality is just a matter of perspective. I quote: "We are the omnipresent energy fields we call subatomic particles.  We are the atoms  which form the molecules which link to become the cell we identify as life.  We are also the single-celled organisms which coalesce to become the organs and structures we call our bodies."......who but God could have come up with such a plan?  But it all boils down to each individual is individual ......even people that don't have perfect bodies or minds ......are perfect ......because God made them the way they are.  Who is to judge......what perfect is?  Our job is to love them, encourage them and be there for them.......which ultimately make us a more perfect person.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

WHAT PART OF N0.......

"WHAT PART OF 'NO' DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND"?  Why can't some people take NO for an answer?  You say it as plain as you can and yet they give you 'BUT' and seem to pursue their requests! Good arguers know how persistence wears you down......your children for instance. After an hour of NOS you finally give in........for peace and quiet.......and your children know that.  Or the Bishop asks you to accept a calling, you grow up to think if the church asks, you have to say yes......or feel guilty or lose all those blessing you get for your volunteer work etc.  If you are not well, your schedules already full and then some, have a job that is demanding or you just don't feel qualified or even JUST DON'T WANT TOO.......SAY" NO."  I know it's easy to say to someone else, but how many times have you said yes, I'll take food, bring food, come to the meeting, call a dozen people and the list is long and you hate yourself for it afterwards.  If your heart isn't into a YES.....say NO.  As you get older it gets easier......I think?
I am so good at giving others advice, that I don't keep myself.....ha!
Sherrie and Ken are coming to town today.... and stay over night with me.......yea! Haven't seen Sherrie since Nicci's wedding.  The Cook children are qualifying to be certified in scuba diving.....and Ken is coming to town to help them.....he already has his certificate. They do it at the Crater at the Homestead.  Then off to St Thomas to enjoy it for Thanksgiving.  Sounds so fun.  Getting together for dinner with them.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Chapter #12.....around the world

This tiny country of Andorra was such a delight.......We had flown to Barcelona, Spain to go up the Midi Canal, but decided to add another country to our growing list of countries. This little country was too close not to investigate.  Our group rented a car and drove up the mountain to enjoy the scenery and the fun "Bask people".  I remember there were many herds of sheep along he way and they always seemed to have the right away.  There were castles and old buildings from centuries before.  Our visit was way too short, but the people were warm and friendly and the one meal we had there was fun food. The shopping was good because it is all duty free.

Doctor Ruth Says.......

 Been watching Doctor Ruth on Kati Couric......she is 85 and collects turtles.  She was an orphaned at 10, lived through the Holocaust and came to America where she was one of the first people brave enough to talk about sex on TV........which she has become famous for.  Her love making tips for seniors slays me.   Wear your glasses, to make sure your partner is actually in the bed....OK, good start.  Set timer for 3 minutes, in case you doze off in the middle.......Set the mood with lighting (turn them all off).   AMEN.  Write partners name on your hand in case you can't remember.....Have Tylenol ready in case you actually complete the act.  Make all the noise you want, the neighbors are deaf too!  If it all works, call everyone you know with the good news!!! Don't even think about trying it twice.
Up early and off to coffee at McDonalds with Patty......we had our two hour therapy session???? She makes me laugh. Shopped around for some new pillows and a throw to up date my couch.  Eventually a new rug and some paint on the wall. 
(Ann Frank)

Monday, November 4, 2013

Chapter #11.....around the world......

When Ann ask me if I wanted to go to RAROTONGA.......I couldn't say it or spell it.....much less know where it was located.  I discovered Rarotonga is located in the COOK ISLANDS.
It was a delightful island down the road from Tahiti.......same beautiful beaches, wonderful snorkeling and hanging on the beach.  Ann and I were back in the jungle area on the third floor and from our patio we could see the water and had the beautiful birds visiting us regularly. Some of the tour were in the bungalows on the beach, (ours the travel agent budget ones).....We took a bus around the whole island in about an hour......some rented bicycles to do it.  My first experience where they buried their relatives in their front yard and put up big monuments to grandpa and grandma. There was plenty of good food and good music and they made pretty tie dyed pareaus.  I would recommend this trip to anyone who wants peace and quiet and great water sports.


 Hey, there are some days when getting up isn't easy......Mondays are no different. You stretch, find your glasses, hearing aids and hair piece and move along.  I find if I hear or read something funny it helps.  I'm off to mail my house taxes for the year and want to be sure I don't make the mistake this poor lady is making.
I have always felt the words 'THIS TOO WILL PASS" were good words to live by.  I was taught by my family as a phrase that is to be used at all times in your life.  When things are spectacularly dreadful; when things are absolutely appalling; when everything is superb and wonderful and marvelous and happy-----say these four words to yourself.  They will give you a sense of perspective and help you also to make the most of what is good and be stoical about what is bad.
Pam and Rob back from Island Park.......said there was snow this weekend.  Today is the day we wait for all week for word from our Missionaries..  Al sounded good in his email to me early......haven't heard from Rich yet.
(Chinese Proverb)