Sunday, December 9, 2012


This picture says so much......attitude, bullying, yellow snow? Oh how I have wished I was a dog and the person a snow-man with no legs.......Well it finally snowed last night, down here 3-4 inches but I think the mountains got some good snow, many guys in my family happy about it.  It does help you get in the mood for Christmas!
Caroline Myss wrote an interesting book "Archetypes....who are you?'. In the lives we were born into our true essence comes through in behavior patterns that govern all aspects off our lives, from how we shop to the relationships we pursue. 'Your archetypes govern your relationship to your personal and spiritual power. Connecting with an archetype is a bridge to your true self,  You are far more than your personality, more than your habits, more than your achievements. Dream big, use your archetypes to guide you.'  Very interesting!.....helps you understand why Artists love Art, some people are better Mothers than others, inventers invent things....our archetypes come through and are encouraged.
Now for a note to my favorite Missionary and off to bed.

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