Tuesday, December 11, 2012


                                                       I absolutely love Maxine, I wish she lived next door to me, because I have found someone I can relate to.  I have felt like this, but I never have the nerve to say it to anyone.  She is old and groucy and to the point and you can take it or leave it.  My family seem to think I only write about old people and being old, but hey you write about what you know and understand best.  I have these feelings and thoughts, too.  And Maxine seems to love her dog.  It's laundry day and hair washing day and I am not moving very fast. Karrie came by a few minutes which always makes my day and Sherrie called to say she was baking cookies and getting ready for Kennedy's Eagle Scout award party.  Maxine says sometimes I forget someones name, but its OK because other people forget they even knew me.  And,  oh how I miss the days when everything worked with justt an "ON" and "OFF" switch!  Do you find you are using more four letter words....."what?"...."when?"....."where?"...."why?"..(3 letters). AND everyone whispers now days.  I have three sizes of clothes in my closet, two of which I will never wear again......probably!  But think about all the old things that are still good in life.....old songs, old movies and best of all old friends.  It's not wht you gather, but what you scatter that tells what kind of life you have lived.....long live Maxine!

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