Thursday, December 27, 2012


This is Ann Moseley who traveled around the world with me.  She called me this morning to tell me she has been in the hospital for a month and is now in a care center to get way to spend Christmas.  She had five girls and I had three and we always had to find out who was PG before we planned our next trip somewhere.  Her girls are not very attentive and I know she feels neglected sometimes.  That is why I say have more than one child because if that only child is like my oldest daughter, you would get neglected.......She and Rob didn't even bother to wish me a Merry Christmas on Christmas day, but I believe in Karma......what you give out you get back or what goes around comes around and their day may come when that happens to them! But, moving on not looking back today was a good day.  Karrie came by and fixed my computer for me and showed me how to work the new drink maker they gave me for Christmas.  Talked to Bev, Shirley, Ann, and all compared notes on our holidays.......Don't think Ann and I will be doing any more traveling together for a long time, but we have many fun memories.....

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