Thursday, December 6, 2012


Can't believe my first grandson is 22.....yesterday.  We are off to celebrate his birthday tonight.  Yes, he has a girl friend that is around a lot......he and Liz have been on again off again since they were seniors in high school.  Will is a senior at the U of U., he has a job at the Polo Store at the Park City Outlets.  He loves snow boarding and computer games!
Also going to drop by a "Celebration of Life" for Jon Taft who died last week.  He had been very sick with cancer for about a year.  So sad to see so many old friends dying.  Had a luncheon at Layla's yesterday with the bridge club and Toby was there doing pretty good.  Her oldest daughter Linda lived with them so that will be a big help for Toby.
Sherrie just called and will be in tomorrow, been a long time since we saw her.

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