Sunday, December 2, 2012


Snoopy makes life so simple, take his advice and never have a bad day.  Yesterday I spent the whole day with my youngest grandchild, took in a movie, went out to dinner, played Old Maid and watched TV. Today Shirley and I went to see "Lincoln" reminded me of what is going on in our government today, only it isn't about freeing the slaves, but freeing the people from Obama Care and higher taxes!
We all have a cross to bare in life.....I love the attitude of a niece Andrea Merriman, who has had her share of trouble in life. "It's all in what you choose to do with it.  You can let your trails 'ruin' your lives and become an excuse for every future challenge or failure you'll have; or you can hang in there, get through them, and figure out how to use them for your good, to make you better, you can learn to smile in spite of them".  She has done just that and is my hero.
"ANY DAY CAN BE A NEW BEGINNING....." and we begin our march through December!

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