Monday, December 10, 2012


Deepak Chopra as been one of my favorite authors and speakers since my NLP days. In Chopra's new book "Super Brain" he says ,"Your brain is not a noun, it's a verb----it responds to the activity in your mind."Yes, everyone wants and needs to be happy for the Holidays, they can stir up many feelings, from sorrow of the past seasons to unrealistic expectations of childhood repeats. Our happiness lies in becoming the master of your brain. Chopra says you are able to rewire your networks by the way you think, feel, reflect, speak and act.....and I do believe people can change their moods. "If you don't use your brain in unpredictable ways, it gets lazy."  "The more novelty there is for the brain, the healthier it is," Skip some of those Holiday traditions you don't enjoy and be 'infinite adaptable'....go with the flow.  Ask yourself who you are, what your purpose is, and what you want and what makes you happy.  "People who are happy find meaning and purpose in their existence."   His advice is shift your brain's conversation, focus on the present, concentrate on others. I shall try to remember "My life may not be perfect but I am blessed." HAPPY's snowing!

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