Wednesday, December 12, 2012


I guess history is made is 12the twelveth month and the twelveth day of the 2012. 12-12-12!
Many marriages and babies born today,making a day to always remember and it will not come around again for a very long time.  Also many are counting the  days until the Mayan calendar runs out December 21 at midnight  We are all holding our breath to see how the world will end.....and wouldn't you know I have everything ready for a big family party on the 22nd?  Seems people from China  to California to Mexico are getting ready for what they think is going to be a fateful day.  The Maya didn't say much about what would happen next, after a 5,125 year cycle known as the Long Count comes to an end.  Occult writers , bloggers and New Age visionariers forseeing all manner of monumental change, from doomsday to a new age of enlightenment! Funny but no one in Mexico's Mayan heartland, is preparing for the end of the world...... Oh well, we will know soon enough whether the Mayans, Notradamas and the Chinese are wrong.
Had a fun Christmas party with my dominos group today, good friends are so important.

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