Monday, December 3, 2012


Where there is a will, there is a way. Wow, I wonder how many times you could get away with clicking your Life Alert button, before they just put you away? I also practice the line if a burglar broke in..."what are you going to do I HOPE, don't just stand there frisk me!" I guess at 80 he might kill himself first......
There are so many things that we have to wade through every day in our life.....with Christmas three weeks away there are so many things to get done.  I started my Christmas list for my kids.....#1. sexy lingerie as long as it is flannel and has no more than 8 buttons. #2. (I'm still working on my list....)  Then someone hands you the word OR.......OR only means you have to make another choice. With choices come consequences!  Do I buy this, or buy that?  Do I eat this or eat that?  Do I wear this or wear that?  How many choices do we make a day of our lives?  And they all have that big word "OR" connected.  I guess the last choice of the day is we say our prayers with I will either wake up in the morning OR I won't.......and we don't always have the choice.....God does.
Jon Taft died day before yesterday, so many old friends leaving us. Now we add another single lady to our bridge club. Heard from my sweet missionary Mondays.  Still no snow, a little rain last night.

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