Friday, December 7, 2012


TGIF really doesn't mean much to someone retired, because everyday could be Friday and  as far as I am concerned!  This is a cute sign and if I ask any number of my relatives they would be jumping for joy for two days off now.  The weekends are lonely sometimes, but I just say 'SUCK IT UP CUPCAKE" and go shopping or to a movie.
I did have a very good day, Sherrie came in from Vernal and we went shopping?  I found myself at R C Wileys shopping for MY Christmas   present....YES!  Then we met Karrie at Zuppa's for lunch, one of our favorite places.  Then, off to Costco to meet Darren and they were off to Vernal.  We don't see much of Sherrie and I miss her a lot, but she does call me almost every day which is great.  It is suppose to snow in the mountains tonight so may still get a little winter in December.  At dinner last night, I think Pam was a little sad when we talked about her dog Charles being gone.  She is one person who is saying TGIF today.......

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