Saturday, December 8, 2012

13 MORE DAYS?????

13 More days left in the world according to the Mayan Calendar which ends at midnight on December 21st???
"Give  up the need to know what happens tomorrow.  Just be fully present and appreciate all that is in your life right now."...Caroline Myss
I am proud as I look back on my life, that I believed in myself enough to feel sorry for those who hurt me, I think today they may be the losers.
Most people are miserable because they are trying to live a life that does not belong to them.  No one can be truly healthy or fulfilled if your head and heart exist in two separate forces within you.
To many people define their life by what they want versus what they have. Your Spirit is the light inside you and it is the spirit that seeks meaning and purpose in you. I have a good Spirit and attitude and love my life.  I saw a sign that know your middle class if you shop at Target, Walmart or Kmart......they forgot to mention TJ Maxx.  Are there any other stores out there?  Guess I must be middle class.  I do know what is lucky is when you are happy with the life you have and realize that everything you do counts. Guess I better get busy planning what I am going to do for the next 13 days......... that counts?

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