Wednesday, December 19, 2012


I am sure this is how santa feels this much heart ache in our world, everyday several funerals and so many sad families in Connecticut.  No good news in the world on the terrible government we have and in many areas bad storms.  In two days are we or aren't we coming to the end.....but the end of what as the Mayan calendar and Notrodamas predicts?  BUT, I will stay positive and up until the end.
I hope all my Christmas presents will make my family happy this year, but I love this thought: "Your the best gift of shop, you wrap and worry but no package can compare to the love and support you share all year-round. I hope whatever I get them will be OK. And, I have already given the best I can give; "myself."   Kids coming to help get the house ready for the family party.  Bev called and needs a ride to the airport tomorrow, thats what it is all about.....people helping people.  Hang in there Santa!

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