Sunday, December 23, 2012


Yep, over the hills and through the woods, to grandmother's condo we go, for our great family Christmas Party......I am so lucky to have a family that love me and love each least once a year!  We gathered together last night for fun and games and good food.  My three wonderful girls bring food and help me get ready for a family party every Holiday. Every year it seems to get better.....we did miss our Missionary who is in Brazil this year, but we tried to include him with our  sign to him and pictures and the cut out Sherrie brought......we missed you Alex but know you are bringing us many blessings by letting you serve others.  My youngest grandson Scottie surprised everyone by being Santa Claus with his bag of presents........ we played games, ate a wonderful meal and laughed and enjoyed each other....what else is important.  Things like that cannot be bought in any store for any amount of money!   My three families bought me a new recliner chair....all I ask for.  My darling Nicci made it from Minnesota with Oliver and of course my precious Tiff got here in time to bail me out and make the cheese dip!  Will invited his girl friend and I found out the last minute, but she is fun and we enjoyed LIz.  The night before they all met with their father to celebrate their grandfather and great-grand fathers presentation at the U OF U basket ball game.  Vadal is being entered in the Hall of Fame for Basket Ball.  I was happy they could support their father in this.......after all no one is ALL bad!  Today was just sleep and re cooperate, had a  fun conversation with my little sister.....that part of family helps make life too.....I love she and Jim so much.  I am a lucky and happy person.

1 comment:

Tiffany (Pannier) Hortin said...

The party was great. Thanks Gram!!