Monday, December 24, 2012


Yep, we are going to have a White is really coming down out there.  I hope I can get to the Cooks by five tonight.  I always stay alnight with the Cooks on Christmas Eve since Sherrie moved to Vernal, use to alternate years with them.  They never left me alone on the holidays since the divorce.  They have no idea how much that means to me! Pam called and invited me to go to lunch with her and the girls, but they were leaving in a half hour and I hadn't showered or gotten dressed......I don't hurry any more.  This old age stuff is for the birds!  Got a fun email from my missioary in Brazil.
He seemed up about missing his first Christmas away from home.  He promised he would go out and have a nice Christmas dinner with some of his Christmas money I sent him.  Love and miss him so much. Next year Richie will be gone.  I miss my sisters and brother and parents this time of year and remember all our fun Christmases growing up.  Didn't have much but that never seemed to matter.  I am sure there are some happy skiers and snowmobilers doing the snow dance.  Well, hope everyone has a nice Christmas Eve..........

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